Super Plastic is almost odorless interior suitable for children’s rooms
Product Information: PLASTIC SUPER is a completely matte high-quality interior plastic paint with high performance, works perfectly and spreads easily, develops strong adhesion to old and new surfaces, has optimal coverage and provides great resistance to frequent washing and time while it is almost odorless. The final surface is characterized by a uniform total matte effect.
Substrate preparation: PLASTIC SUPER is applied to interior surfaces to be painted such as plasterboard, plaster or concrete, old or new surfaces after their preparation with a corresponding primer. The substrate to be painted must be clean and dry without dust, foreign substances, rust, oils, powders or other contaminants that can cause loose adhesion. If there are gaps on the surface, they should be filled with suitable products.
Plastic Super from TO XRO.MA choose a shade of dusty pink for a fresh, elegant and spring space with an extra dose of style!

Product Features:
- Color: White and TOXROMA shades
- Density: 1.46 +/- 0.02 g/mL (EN ISO 2811-1)
- Viscosity: 115 +/- 5 KU ASTM D 562) pH: 8-9.5 (EN ISO 1346)
- Water Permeability : Sd=0.24±0.02 m (EN ISO 7783-2, 0.14 <Sd<1.4, medium class II)
- Water Permeability: w=0.07 ± 0.02 kg. / m2h0.5
- (EN ISO 1504-2. ≤ 0.10, Low, class III) Adhesion : :≥1.70 MPa (EN 1542 )
- Gloss Level: : < 5, Dead Mat (EN ISO 2813: <5, at 85˚)
- Coverage: : ≥ 98.5% (EN ISO 6504-3) (performance ≥10 m²/l)
- Whiteness : ≥ 89 (EN ISO 6504-3)
- Resistance to wet abrasion: CLASS 1 ( EN ISO 11998: <5 μm in 200 washing cycles)
- Touch time: ½ -1 hours at +23ºC
- Repainting time: 3-34 hours at +23ºC.
Substrate preparation: PLASTIC SUPER is applied to interior surfaces to be painted such as plasterboard, plaster or concrete, old or new surfaces after their preparation with a corresponding primer. The substrate to be painted must be clean and dry free of dust, foreign matter, rust, oil, dust or other contaminants that may cause loose adhesion. If there are gaps in the surface, they should be filled with suitable products. This is followed by application either with an acrylic water primer after dilution with water 1:3 to 1:4 or with a micronized primer diluted with water up to 50% (especially for surfaces that are either watercolors or with a very loose substrate so it comes off with simple rubbing). Depending on the absorption of the substrate, the consumption of the primer ranges from 100-200 gr/m2. As long as the surface to be painted does not present problems as mentioned above and is painted with a corresponding quality plastic paint, the use of the primer can be avoided.
Product Application: The product is mixed with water at a rate of 5-10% with clean water and stirred lightly. It is applied in 2 layers for the best result and at a consumption of approximately 12 m2/Ltana layer.
Packages: PLASTIC SUPER is available in packages of 0.75 Lt, 3 Lt, 10 Lt. Protect the product especially from direct sunlight and frost.

VOC VOCs: According to Directive 2004/42/EC (Annex II, table A), the maximum allowed VOC content for product sub-category A, type Y is 30 g/l (2010) for ready-to-use product . Based on Directive 2004/42/EC. The ready-to-use PLASTIC PLUS product has a maximum VOC content of ≤10gr/L